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Quickbooks Point of Sale v19: Delete A Vendor

Sometimes you may need to remove a vendor from your inventory list in QuickBooks POS. You should note that you can only delete them if they are not currently being used in any transaction. Alternatively, if the vendor is part of another listing entry, you can inactivate them instead of deleting them.

Learn how to delete a vendor in QuickBooks Point of Sale by following our comprehensive tutorial. This will help you streamline your inventory management and optimize your business operations. Alternatively, if you prefer a video guide, we have a step-by-step tutorial available that you can watch. Discover the simple steps to delete a vendor in QuickBooks Point of Sale and enhance your inventory control with our helpful tutorial.

Topics covered in this playlist include:

  • Fields for Vendors,
  • how to Edit a Vendor Record,
  • how to Copy a Vendor Record,
  • how to Delete a Vendor Record,
  • how to Make a Vendor Inactive,
  • how to Merge Vendors,
  • how to Define Vendor Payments Terms,
  • How to Email a Vendor from the Vendor List, and
  • how to Print your vendor list in QuickBooks Point of Sale.

[This tutorial video describes how do delete a vendor in QuickBooks Point of Sales.]

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