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MISys is a deep manufacturing add-on specifically built to work with QuickBooks. MISys was developed specifically to work alongside QuickBooks. That means it has been established as a cooperative integration with QuickBooks.
The number one theme of this integration is trying to avoid synchronization. Because the system won't do everything and instead tries to reflect the same information in two different places. It has been trying to think that QuickBooks is almost an extension of this system.
Many MISys users have needs on the customer-facing side, whether it's a CRM system, EDI, or e-commerce integrations. Leaving the sales side in QuickBooks means any QuickBooks-compatible solution on that side. will therefore be fully compatible with MISys. MISys leaves that whole side completely open to you.
It's a different program than QuickBooks, but the way the integration is set up, it behaves like one kind of unified system. So what MISys will handle will be the operations side of the business. So MISys handles purchasing, production, inventory control planning, scheduling, and cost traceability.
When customers want to order, that order will be entered in QuickBooks. And MISys can see that order. It can also see things like past sales activity if you want to do, forecasting or sales projections, and quotes If you're going to look at your quotes to drive projections. And it can essentially make production recommendations.
It calculates your purchasing needs, helps you create POS, sends it to your vendors, receives it at the right time, and tracks the entire production process.
Raeann of Minding My Books talks with Daryl from MISys Manufacturing, and they take you through how MISys can make your manufacturing company run smoothly and efficiently with QuickBooks to save you time and money.
Here is a table of contents to help you navigate through this video:
[This video tutorial describes the integration of MISys Manufacturing MRP & QuickBooks.]
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