ManuDyn Cloud 9

ManuDyn Cloud 9

ManuDyn Cloud 9
Product Code: ManuDyn Cloud 9
Availability: In Stock
Price: $0.00
Ex Tax: $0.00

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Use ManuDyn Cloud 9 to run your manufacturing more efficiently

ManuDyn will download accounts, customers, invoices, items, tax settings, vendors from QuickBooks and upload invoices and vendor bills as they are created in ManuDyn.

Manufacturing Control Center

Manufacturing Control Center

The Manufacturing Control Center provides you with a real time display of what is happening in your business. You can view order status and performance reports. The alert system notifies you when items need to be ordered, when orders are late, when a job is costing more than estimated, and when employees or operations are idle.

Print Job Tickets with attached drawings

Print Job Tickets With Attached Drawings

The Job Ticket shows the operator how much of each material is required, along with the sequence of operations that need to be done to produce the finished product. For each operation the operator instructions are displayed along with the estimated times and operation due dates. The ManuDyn system allows for an unlimited number of drawings to be attached to an item and automatically printed with the job ticket.

Master Production Schedule

Master Production Schedule

Each job in ManuDyn is automatically added to the production schedule based on the job's due date and the estimated times of each operation. Using the "Job Inquiry" feature the system can show you the impact of a new order on the existing schedule so you can determine if the proposed due date is viable. The schedule can be displayed as a priority work list or as an interactive Gantt chart.

Manufactured Item definition with revision history

Manufactured Item Definition With Revision History

Define a manufactured item with a bill of materials that can contain an unlimited number of levels. Create a list of operations, with setup and process time, that need to be performed on the materials to create the manufactured item. Formulas can be created to calculate times for each operation.

Job Cost and Gross Margin reporting

Job Cost And Gross Margin Reporting

See how much a job has cost compared to your estimates with detail for each material item and labor operation. Compare actual cost to order value for one order or for a range of orders. Analyze previous operation or employee performance to refine estimates for future jobs.

Real Time Shop Floor Data Collection

The ManuDyn shop floor data collection screen allows the operator to view a prioritized list of jobs that need to be worked on, and provides a simple method to clock onto these jobs and record the time taken and quantity done. This job cost and status information goes back to the Manufacturing Control Center in real time.


