Add Vendor Data
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Import vendors from a spreadsheet
Import a vendor spreadsheet
In the Vendor list, click Import vendors.
Organize Your Spreadsheet
Organize your spreadsheet to match the format of the sample below. Make sure your column titles and the order of your columns match our example.
Choose Your File
On the Import Vendors page, click choose File. Select your file and click Open.
Choose Your Excel Columns
For every QuickBooks field, choose one of your Excel columns and that data will be imported into the corresponding QuickBooks field. Click Continue.
Import Vendors
Check off all of your vendors. Click Import Records. Now you can access all of your vendors in QuickBooks.
Add a new vendor
Click New vendor
Go to the Vendors list and click New vendor.
Fill out the vendor form
Fill out the form as needed. The only required field is the Display Name.
Locate Businesses in Your Area
If you want QuickBooks to find all of the local businesses in your area, go to the gear menu and clickQuickBooks Labs.
Choose the Autocomplete widget
Choose the Autocomplete widget and the next time you enter a vendor (or customer) name in QuickBooks, it will suggest businesses in your area.