Add Customers to QuickBooks
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Import customers from a spreadsheet
Access the customer list
Access the Customer List from the left navigation bar then click New Customer followed by Import Customer.
Format your spreadsheet
Organize your spreadsheet to match the format of the sample below. Make sure your column titles and the order of your columns match our example.
Upload your file
On the Import Customers page, click Choose File. Select your file and click Open.
Match your fields
For each QuickBooks field below, choose one of your spreadsheet columns. Then click Continue.
Import customers
Make sure you’ve checked a box on the left for each customer that you want to import. Then import them.
Add customers as needed
Add new customer
Click Customers in the left Navigation Bar. Then click New Customer.
Enter new customer information
Fill out the Customer Information form. The only required field is Display name as but you can add as much information as you want. Click Save. Now that your customers are in QuickBooks, you can enter them into invoices, sales receipts and other forms.
Quickly add customers to forms
Enter customer name
Type your customer’s name in the Choose a customer field then click Save and finish your invoice.
Enter customer information
Return to the customer list and select the customer name.